Programming language resources
See all writings || ArchiveFor a comprehensive list, I highly recommend checking out Max Bernstein's PL Resources.
Favorite Resources for Getting Started with PL
Additional curated lists:
Operating Systems
Resources for learning about and building operating systems:
- OSDev Wiki - Comprehensive wiki for OS development
- Linux From Scratch - Step-by-step guide to building your own Linux system
- Writing an OS in Rust - Blog series on creating an OS using Rust
- Little OS Book - Concise guide to OS development
- OS from Scratch - Hands-on tutorial for building a simple OS
- Build Your Own Operating System - Curated list of OS development resources
- Nand to Tetris Courses - Build a modern computer system from the ground up
Assembly Language
Resources for learning assembly language:
- PC Assembly Language Programming - Guide to 32-bit x86 assembly
- Learning Assembly for Linux-x64 - Tutorial series for x86-64 assembly
- Introduction to Programming Systems - Princeton University course materials
- Easy 6502 - Interactive tutorial for 6502 assembly
- Assembly Language Adventures - In-depth x86 assembly course
- Assembly Language / Reversing / Malware Analysis / Game Hacking Resources - Comprehensive list of assembly-related resources
- x86 Assembly Guide - Concise guide to x86 assembly
- Assembly Guide - Extensive guide covering various assembly topics