NOTE : wifi connection
See all notes || ArchiveShow current network connections
nmcli connection show
List available Wi-Fi networks
nmcli device wifi list
Connect to a network using its UUID (replace UUID
with the actual UUID)
nmcli c up uuid e0bda955-475c-4625-b19b-4a1f2339d9db --ask
New devices
nmcli device wifi connect <name ssid> --ask
Enable Wi-Fi (if disabled)
sudo rfkill unblock wifi
nmcli networking on
Turn on Bluetooth
bluetoothctl power on
Enter Bluetooth control interface
Start scanning for nearby Bluetooth devices
scan on
Connect to a Bluetooth device with the specified MAC address (replace <tecno square1>
with the actual MAC address)
connect 14:A6:8E:AE:9F:51
Show status of devices and their rfkill (Radio Frequency Kill) status
rfkill list
Additional Bluetooth commands:
Show connected devices
Show paired devices