Decided to try this out after months of using Vim

// Started with Vim by just Googling the basic commands...

Mistakes I have made in the past 1.


   <  h       l>

Exiting Vim

Press <ESC> Use :q! to discard any changes you have made and exit forcefully.

Text Editing - Delete

Press <ESC> to enter normal mode. To delete a character, move to the character and press x.

Text Editing - Insert

Press i to start inserting text at the cursor position.

Text Editing - Appending

Press a to append text after the cursor position.

Editing a File

Use :wq to save and exit a file. Press <ESC> to return to normal mode or to cancel unwanted and partially completed commands.

Deletion Commands

In normal mode, move to the beginning of a word and type dw to delete until the start of the next word.

More Deletion Commands

Type d$ to delete to the end of the line, including the last character.

On Operators and Motions

Commands involving manipulating text are made from an operator and a motion.

  • Delete Operator: d motion
  • d is the delete operator, and motion specifies what the operator will operate on.

Short List of Motions

  • w: Move until the start of the next word, excluding its first character.
  • e: Move to the end of the current word, including the last character.
  • $: Move to the end of the line, including the last character.

Using a Count for a Motion

  • 2w: Move the cursor two words forward.
  • 3e: Move the cursor to the end of the third word forward.
  • 0: Move to the start of the line.
  • 3w: Move the cursor three words forward.

Using a Count to Delete More

Typing a number with an operator repeats it that many times. For example, d2w deletes the first two words in the line.

Operating on Lines

  • dd: Delete a whole line.
  • 2dd: Delete two lines.

The Undo Command

  • u: Undo the last command.
  • CTRL-R: Redo commands.

The PUT Command

  • p: Put previously deleted text after the cursor.
  • dd deletes the line and stores it in a Vim register.

The Replace Command

  • Press rx to replace the character under the cursor with x.
  • Press r then the character which should be there.

The Change Operator

  • ce: Change until the end of a word.
  • For example, hello wors becomes hello world.

More Changes Using c

The change operator c can be used with the same motions as delete.

  • c [number] motion

Cursor Location and File Status

  • CTRL-g: Shows file name and position in the file.
  • gg: Move you to the start of the file.
  • G: Move you to the bottom of the file.
  • [number]G: Move you to a specific line.

The Search Command

In normal mode, type "/" followed by the character you want to search. To search the same phrase again, type n.