rethink is a skill set but also a mindset...

Mike Lazaridis.........??

we often slip into the mindsets of three dff professions:

  • Preachers - when our sarcred belefs are in jeopardy
  • prosecutors - when we recognize flaws in other people's reasoning
  • politicians - when we're seeking to win over an audience.

// not thinging about our own views...


  • is traditionally viewed as the ability to think and learn

the ability to rethink and unlearn

first-instinct fallacy.....??

we hesitate at the very idea of rethinking....


  • cognitive laziness...
  • questioning ourseles make the world unpredictable.
  • it requires us to admit that the facts might have changed.
  • reconsidering something we belive deeply can threaten our identity.

seizing and freezing..........??(Psychologist)

A different pair of goggles

// rethinking is fundamental to scientist profession.

  • paid to constantly aware the limits of your understanding
  • expected to doubt what you know, be curious about what you don’t know, and update your views based on new data.

// This is a way of thinking that differ from p^3

// sometimes even great scientist need to think more like scientists...

The smarter they are, the harder they fail...

  • Mental horsepower doesn’t guarantee mental dexterity.

  • the smarter you are the more you might struggle to update your beliefs. Two bias that drives this pattern - confirmation bias : seeing what you expect. - desirability bias : seeing what we want.. { giving reasons to preach, prosecute and winning people over.. P^3 }

      // and unaware of resulting flaws in our thinking...
  • Thinking like a scientist involves being actively open-minded. // requires search for reasons why we might be wrong and not right...

  • preacher mode -: changing minds is a mark of moral weakness.
  • scientist mode -: a sign of intellectual integrity, a step towards truth.
  • prosecutor mode -: allowing oneselve to be persuaded is admitting defeat.
  • politician mode -:
  • purpose of learning is'nt to affirm our beliefs; it's to evolve our beliefs..

presidential greatness

what set great presidents apart was their intellectual curiosity and openness and how widely they read

Don't Stop unbelieving

  • rethinking starts with intellectual humillity - knowing what we don't know. & and should be able to make a long list of areas where we are ignorant.

  • as we question our current understanding we become curious about information we are missing.. this leads us to new discoveries. which in turn maintain our humility by reinforcing how much we still have to learn.

  • scientific thinking favors humilty over pride, doubt ovrer certainty, curiosity over closure.

//Thinking different != rethinking....

Things people say instead of rethinking...

  • that will never work
  • that's not what my exprience has shown..
  • that's too complicated let not over think it..
  • that's the way we have always done it...

// research shows that when people are resistance to change, it helps to reinforce what will stay the same..

The curse of knowlegde is that it closes our mind to what we don't know.


THE Armchair Quarter back and the imposter...

Anton’s syndrome...............??


Dunning-Kruger effect....??

“The first rule of the Dunning-Kruger club is you don’t know you’re a member of the Dunning-Kruger club."

What i know

When we lack the knowledge and skills to achieve excellence, we sometimes lack the knowledge and skills to judge excellence.

  • Advancing from novice to amateur can break the rethinking cycle. as we gain experince, we lose some of our humility.

  • confidence is a measure of how much you believe in yourself.

  • evidence shows that's distinct from how much you believe in your methods.

// we become blinded by arrogance when we're utterly convinced of our strengths and our strategies.

inferiority complex....???

What we should attain is "Confident humility" : having faith in our capability while appreciating that we may not have the right solution or even be addressing the right problem


// having confidence in the capacity to learn..