NOTE : sqlite 3
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open database from terminal
.open name.db
.mode "to change way at which datbase is display on the terminal"
// shows tables available in the terminal
// This is use for query data from a one or more table
SELECT column, cloumn, e.t.c FROM tracks == #table;
selecting column in ascending order
SELECT name, milliseconds, albumid FROM tracks ORDER BY albumid ASC;
selecting column and then filtering (albumid like the above) and milliseconds in descending order
SELECT name, milliseconds, albumid FROM tracks ORDER BY albumid ASC, milliseconds DESC;
// ORDER BY with column position instead of column name
SELECT name, albumid FROM tracks ORDER BY 3 ASC, 2 DESC;
// ORDER BY clause to sort tracks by composers
SELECT TrackId, Name, Composer FROM tracks ORDER BY Composer;
/* Distincy clasue allows you to remove the duplicate rows in the result set. */
SELECT city FROM customers ORDER BY city;
result of city would contain duplicates e.g. city = london, city = london
remove duplicates by using distinct
SELECT DISTINCT city FROM customers ORDER BY city;
applying DISTINCT on multiple column
SELECT DISTINCT city, country FROM customers ORDER BY county;
SELECT column_list FROM table WHERE search_condition;
// WHERE caluse is use to SELECT statement to filter rows returned by query.
WHERE column_1 = 100;
WHERE column_2 IN (1,2,3);
WHERE column_3 LIKE 'An%';
WHERE column_4 BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
// can be use in the UPDATE and DELETE STATEMENT
// comparison operators can also be used
= , < , > , <= e.t.c.
logical operators:
// no boolean data type in sqlite so True = 1 and false = 0
Operator | Meaning
All | returns 1 if all expressions are 1.
AND | returns 1 if both expressions are 1, and 0 if one of the expressions is 0.
ANY |returns 1 if any one of a set of comparisons is 1.
BETWEEN | returns 1 if a value is within a range.
EXISTS | return 1 if a sbuquery contains any rows.
IN | returns 1 if a vlaues is in a list of values.
LIKE | returns 1 if a value matches a pattern.
NOT | reverses the value of other operators such as NOT EXISTS, NOT IN, NOT BETWEEN e.t.c
OR | returns ture if either expression is 1
sqlite WHERE clause examples
SELECT name, milliseconds, bytes, albumid FROM tracks WHERE ALBUMID = 1;
SELECT name, milliseonds, albumid FROM tracks WHERE albumid = 1 AND milliseconds > 250000;
SELECT name,albumid, composer FROM tracks WHERE composer LIKE '%Smith%' ORDER BY albumid;
SELECT name, albumid, mediatypeid FROM tracks WHERE mediatypid IN (2 ,3);
sqlite limit clause
SELECT column_list FROM table LIMIT row_count;
// limit clause is use to constrain the number of rows returned by the query...
SELECT trackid, name FROM tracks LIMIT 10;
To get the first 10 rows starting from the 10th row
SELECT column_list FROM table LIMIT offset, row_count
SELECT trackid, name, FROM tracks LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10;
INSERT INTO table (column1, column2) VALUES (value1, value2);
INSERT INTO playlists (playlistid, name) VALUES (24, 'brime buk');
inserting multiple rows into a table
INSERT INTO table1 (column1, column2,....) VALUES (value1 , value2,), (value1, value2 );
INSERT INTO playlists (playlistid, name) VALUES (30, 'faith'), (34, 'favour'), (36, 'gift');
// to update an existing data in a table, you use sqlite UPDATE statment
UPDATE table SET column_1 = new_value_1, column_2 = new_value_2 WHERE search_condition;
## DELETE statement
DELETE FROM table WHERE search_condition
DELETE FROM playlists WHERE playlistid = 36;