NOTE : Jazz Chord Symbols and Nomenclature
See all notes || ArchiveJazz Chord Symbols and Nomenclature
Jazz chord symbols provide a concise way to notate complex harmonic structures. Most commonly used jazz chord symbols and nomenclature.
Basic Chords
Major Chords
- C: C Major triad (C-E-G)
- CMaj7 or C△7: C Major 7th (C-E-G-B)
Minor Chords
- Cm or Cmin: C Minor triad (C-Eb-G)
- Cm7 or Cmin7: C Minor 7th (C-Eb-G-Bb)
Dominant Chords
- C7: C Dominant 7th (C-E-G-Bb)
Half-Diminished Chords
- Cm7♭5 or Cø: C Half-Diminished 7th (C-Eb-Gb-Bb)
Diminished Chords
- Cdim or C°: C Diminished triad (C-Eb-Gb)
- Cdim7 or C°7: C Diminished 7th (C-Eb-Gb-Bbb)
Extended Chords
Extensions and Alterations
- 9th: C9 (dominant), Cmaj9, Cm9
- 11th: C11, Cmaj11, Cm11
- 13th: C13, Cmaj13, Cm13
- Altered 5th: C(♭5), C(♯5)
- Suspended: Csus4, Csus2
Tensions and Additions
- Added tones: C6, Cadd9
- Altered tensions: C7(♭9), C7(♯9), C7(♯11)
Ninth Chords
- C9: C Dominant 9th (C-E-G-Bb-D)
- CMaj9 or C△9: C Major 9th (C-E-G-B-D)
- Cm9 or Cmin9: C Minor 9th (C-Eb-G-Bb-D)
Eleventh Chords
- C11: C Dominant 11th (C-E-G-Bb-D-F)
- CMaj11 or C△11: C Major 11th (C-E-G-B-D-F)
- Cm11 or Cmin11: C Minor 11th (C-Eb-G-Bb-D-F)
Thirteenth Chords
- C13: C Dominant 13th (C-E-G-Bb-D-F-A)
- CMaj13 or C△13: C Major 13th (C-E-G-B-D-F-A)
- Cm13 or Cmin13: C Minor 13th (C-Eb-G-Bb-D-F-A)
Altered Chords
Altered Dominants
- C7♯5 or C7+: C Dominant 7th with raised 5th (C-E-G#-Bb)
- C7♭5: C Dominant 7th with lowered 5th (C-E-Gb-Bb)
- C7♯9: C Dominant 7th with raised 9th (C-E-G-Bb-D#)
- C7♭9: C Dominant 7th with lowered 9th (C-E-G-Bb-Db)
- C7♯11: C Dominant 7th with raised 11th (C-E-G-Bb-F#)
- C7♭13: C Dominant 7th with lowered 13th (C-E-G-Bb-Ab)
Fully Altered Chords
- C7alt: C Dominant 7th with multiple alterations (e.g., C-E-G#-Bb-D#)
Sus Chords
Suspended Chords
- Csus4 or C4: C Suspended 4th (C-F-G)
- C7sus4: C Dominant 7th Suspended 4th (C-F-G-Bb)
- Csus2 or C2: C Suspended 2nd (C-D-G)
Add Chords
Added Tone Chords
- Cadd9: C Major with added 9th (C-E-G-D)
- Cmadd9: C Minor with added 9th (C-Eb-G-D)
Slash Chords
Chords with Alternate Bass Notes
- C/G: C Major with G in the bass (G-C-E)
- Am7/G: A Minor 7th with G in the bass (G-A-C-E)
- C/E (C major with E in the bass)
- Dm7/G (D minor 7 with G in the bass)
Quartal and Quintal Chords
Quartal Voicings
- C4: Chord built in fourths (e.g., C-F-Bb)
Quintal Voicings
- C5: Chord built in fifths (e.g., C-G-D)
Poly Chords
Two Chords Played Simultaneously
- C/G: C Major triad over G Major triad (C-E-G / G-B-D)
Common Shorthand
- △ = Major 7th
- ø = Half-diminished ( Cø, Cm7(♭5) )
- ° = Fully diminished ( C°, Cdim )
- "+" = Augmented ( Caug or C+ )
- ♭ = Flat ( C7(♭5), C7(♭9) ) //Lower a Key by a Half Note
- ♯ = Sharp ( C7(♯5), C7(♯9) ) //Raise a Key by Half Note