Name: Adejumo David Adewale, known Online as Daveads. I write Things that get executed on a Processor and leverage GPUs, My work transcends conventional boundaries, exploring diverse and captivating areas that pique my interest. {Creativity && Critical Thinking}

        ____                            _     
        |  _ \  __ ___   _____  __ _  __| |___ 
        | | | |/ _` \ \ / / _ \/ _` |/ _` / __|
        | |_| | (_| |\ V /  __/ (_| | (_| \__ \
        |____/ \__,_| \_/ \___|\__,_|\__,_|___/.

/** Daveads Identities **/
fn print_header(header: &str) {
    println!("\x1b[1;34m{}\x1b[0m", header);

fn print_identities(identities: &[&str]) {
    for identity in identities {
        println!("* {}", identity);

fn main() {
    let identities = [
        "Independent Researcher 🔍",
        "Software Engineer 💻",
        "Pianist (jazz enthusiast) 🎹",
        "Chess Player ♟️",
        "Curiosity Voyager 🌌"

    print_header(" { Current :: Identities } ");
